Before You Bring That Kitten Home

March 3, 2022

Kittens are the cutest little fluff balls, with cute eyes and soft fur. Raising them will undoubtedly be fun and easy. After all, all they need is milk and a warm and comfortable place to sleep. In reality, caring for a kitten is different from that. From this piece, you’ll learn some behaviors to expect and prepare for them.

Sleeping All-day

The average cat sleeps for an average of twelve to sixteen hours a day. It’s crucial you create a safe and comfortable place for it to sleep. While kittens sleep this long, don’t forget about the remaining four hours. They’ll be active for four hours a day, but it’ll seem like days when they’re done playing with you.

Cats love it when their sleeping space is dark and cozy, so keep this in mind when making your kitten’s bed. You can choose a dark spot in your home or buy a tent bed. Alternatively, you could make your cat’s bed at home. There are many DIY options you can try out; old suitcases, yarn, wooden baskets, and even clotheslines.


What do you feed your new kitten? Their mother’s milk is the only food they can consume; they can’t eat solid food. So, if you’re buying or adopting a kitten that’s less than four weeks old, it likely won’t come with its mother. In that case, you have to get it kitty formula, as the milk we consume, particularly cow milk, can be poisonous for your cat.

In addition, you have to prepare to feed your kitten every two hours with a kitten bottle that has a nipple. Keep feeding it until it turns its head to the side to signify it’s full. Then as it ages, its diet will expand, and it will eventually eat once a day and any food.

Before feeding your kitten, wash your hands and, of course, the kitty bottle. Experts also recommend wearing a kitten-feeding gown to keep germs to a minimum.


Kittens also need active time, although it’ll be short while they’re still very young. However, when buying toys for your kitten, buy balls of yarn, regular balls, wind-up toys that they can chase around, teaser wands, and cat tunnels. The toys serve as a source of exercise while also sharpening your cat’s hunting skills.

Cats are natural predators and can’t get rid of their instincts and desire to hunt. Since you’ll be raising your cat indoors, you can simulate the wild in your home.

Cat Cam

Cats love the outdoors; however, not all of them would love to explore it. It’s their innate nature, so if your cat gets the chance, it’ll likely make a run for the streets. A cat cam is a video recorder that you place around the neck of a kitten that loves exploring, so you can see all the places it goes.

You can also put one in your home to keep track of what your cat does when you’re not there.


With these tips, you should be well prepared to cater to the kitten you’re bringing to your home. Thanks for reading.