Supplies to Hold You Down During a Natural Disaster

March 15, 2022

Some natural disasters aren’t predictable – we can’t control or even prevent them from happening. However, the one area we have utter control over is our preparation in the event of them happening. This includes knowing enough about how to protect yourself physically and how you survive if this natural disaster extends for days.

So, suppose you’ve taken care of the information about physical protection. In that case, you need to increase your chances of survival by purchasing the supplies to hold you down during a natural disaster, and that’s the essence of this article. Let’s explore the essentials together.

Six Supplies to Sustain You During a Natural Disaster

You’ll have to purchase some basic necessities, while the others are just there to keep you entertained. Nevertheless, we’ll cover them all shortly:


This is one of the most important items you need to stock up on in case of a natural disaster. These events can occur for days on end, and you’ll need to stay hydrated. So, a gallon is enough for each person daily. It’s best to keep as much as you can, but don’t forget to refresh it occasionally.


Next, you need food for survival. The ideal type of food for events like this is non-perishable foods – canned and dry foods, to be precise. Keep enough for at least three days, and don’t forget to factor in the number of people in your household when stocking up on this.

First Aid Kit

During natural disasters like a hurricane or an earthquake, getting hurt is sometimes unavoidable. It can be from trying to find shelter or being close to the receiving end of one of the tremors that occur. However, with a well-equipped first aid kit, you can take care of yourself and those in your care until you receive assistance from paramedics or medical experts.

A Flashlight and Batteries

When a natural disaster occurs, the power supply is one of the first things that get cut off. You’ll need a light source to navigate your way around, which is where the flashlight comes in. Be sure to get extra batteries in case the ones in the flashlight lose their power before help comes.


You’ll still need to maintain your hygiene routines while fighting for survival. So, you can stock up on toiletries like toilet paper, a bar of soap, disposable bags, and plastic ties. You can also keep a spare toothbrush and toothpaste in your survival kit. Also, don’t forget to include sanitary products.

Whistle and Masks

The whistle is to call for help, especially in cases where you may get buried in rubbles. That way, it’ll be easier and faster for you to get help. On the other hand, the mask is for cases where plenty of dust gets released because of collapsing buildings and other constructions. In that case, you’ll have protection for your nose and mouth.


Survival should never be taken for granted. Prepare adequately, both mentally and physically. You can also practice escape routines in the case of a natural disaster.