Types of Fishing Gear – A Beginner’s Guide to Identifying Them

March 15, 2022

Fishing is a calming sport. Of course, it’s also an added bonus that you get to go home with dinner. If you’ve newly discovered your passion for fishing, then you likely also want to get your own gear. There are so many types that your chances of getting confused about identifying them are pretty high. However, don’t fret, as we aim to simplify this process for you.

By the time you’re done with this piece, you’ll find it much easier to determine the fishing gear you need immediately and the ones that can wait. Let’s get started!

Types of Fishing Gear in Categories

There are many categories of fishing gear, and they include:


These are very common fishing gears. Next to hooks and baits, these gears are an angler’s go-to option. Those who fish in large quantities prefer nets, as they come in different shapes and sizes and can be used passively or actively.

Different types of nets exist, too – we have trawls, dredges, gillnets, and seine nets. Trawls are attached to boats and dragged from one point in the river to another, collecting fish along the way. Some fish you can use trawls to catch include rockfish, cod, shrimp, and hake. On the other hand, dredges are reserved for fishing close to the bottom of the sea.

Hook, Lines, and the rod

You have several options when purchasing hook and lines. There are long lines, hardlines, trolling lines, and poles. You have to attach some bait to your hook more often than not. On the other hand, Hooks can be fly-cast hooks, bait and spin-cast lure hooks, and bait-cast hooks.

You attach your hook and lines to your rod. Some rods come with reels that hold your rope for you. This option makes fishing easier, as you can quickly reel in the extra line when you feel a tug on your hook. As a beginner, we recommend fly fishing rods, as they’re lighter in weight and easier to handle than conventional fishing rods.


Waders are the fishing attire you wear over your clothing. They serve many purposes and are of different types. Fishing waders protect you from extreme temperatures and allow ease of movement in the water. Typically, fishing may require you to move further into the water, as fish migrate too. Going without waders may be tricky and slow you down.

However, fishing waders keep water out because of the material they’re made from. They also protect you from bugs and leeches.

When you’re buying your waders, remember to go for the breathable ones. Additionally, waders are made from heavy materials, adding additional weight. As such, you have to learn how to move properly in them before venturing into deeper parts of the water. That way, you have no reason to worry about swift and heavy currents.


Fishing is an engaging sport, but you’ll only enjoy it fully when you have all the right gear. That also includes protective gear for your body.